Sunday, January 8, 2017

Morndas, 18th of Last Seed, 4E 201

   It seemed my luck had completely run out as I was forced to place my head on a chopping block, the blood from the previous Nord, still warm and metallic tasting on the air. Then out of the sky the last thing anyone would expect, a dragon, a huge black dragon.

    A blast of his voice knocked the headsman out, I was flattened and on the verge of blacking out. The huge blond Nord, shook me and said this would be our last chance, I needed to get up. I did, though my vision was blurry, I followed him as best I could, my tied up hands not helping with my already sketchy balance. 

    The next hour was a blur of running and ducking, we made it out of Helgen through a cave system. It took the better part of the afternoon to get to Ralof's home in Riverwood, the sun was setting as we met with his sister and she invited us into her home.

   Gerdur asked if I would  take word to the Jarl in Whiterun of the dragon's attack on Helgen. Ralof reminded her what we had just been through and she said tomorrow would be soon enough and that she would give me some supplies to take along. 

  The next morning I was gone before the light of dawn and yet, I followed an Imperial Patrol with a prisoner into Whiterun.  I felt sorry for the man, but I did not even have a good bow,  I shadowed along behind them using them for protection.

     I made a detour when I noticed a horse and some fighting up on the hill. When I got their it seemed that the Bandit had defeated the mage that was now laying in the road, but he turned his attention to me.  He was already wounded or I don't think my two iron arrows with mild poison would have done any good.  I looted the armor from his body, it was no good to me, being heavy and made of bone and some other stiff material.  I loaded up his gear and the few things the mage had onto the horse and then road it down to the river and hunted along it for a little while, getting in some target practice and collecting herbal ingredients that I hoped the Alchemist might want. 

   Khajiit were camped outside of the town and I checked out their ware's, though they had nothing that I needed at that time. The gate guard was reluctant to let me in, I told him that Gurder in Riverwood was asking for the Jarl's aide and he let me go on through. I took special note as I would not want to be on the receiving end of his huge war hammer, his watch might not be the one that I wanted to run out the gate in an emergency.

   I stopped in at the smith, but she did not have a bow that was better than the one that I already had, she did however point me to the Tavern across the way and said that the Owner and his brother we also hunters and made bows and perhaps they would have one that suited me better. 

   He only had one that was better, I would have preferred a crossbow, but I knew that probably would not be something that I could buy outright. I would have to have some black-market contact's to get me one. That meant the trip to Riften would need to happen soon.

   I talked to the Jarl, who thanked me for bringing him the news and gave me a set of heavy armor as a reward. I began to wonder if that was all the Nords wore, I really needed a better set of light armor. He then asked if I would talk to his Wizard, who wanted me to go into an ancient barrow to retrieve some stone. I told them I would have to properly prepared which might take a little while...umm never maybe, well no, I needed the good will of the Jarl so.

    I went to the kitchen to ask the cook for a bowl of stew or something, but no one was there, so I fixed myself some.  I also found a couple of items that I wanted, but I would need a place to stash them. Three item's in this town so far, but the ship, that I wanted. I left it where it was, it would be noted that I had been there and it had went missing, but she would be mine.

   I made my way to the Inn and flirted with the barmaids, they were both comely, but it seemed that neither was interested in me, though I did catch a mercenary woman looking my way more than once. I would remember her for my next trip into town.


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